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Archive of ‘Rebecca’ category

Atlantic-Pacific x Halogen Collections at Nordstrom

photos by Kenzi Creates

If you’ve been a blogger as long as we have, you are a huge fan of one of the OG blog queens, Blair Eadie of Atlantic-Pacific. She was one of the first on the scene to really hit it big, and she has a unique style that she has carried through the years. I will never forget when Catherine & I spent an entire evening at a table next to her at one of the bars in the Nomad Hotel, and tried our best to keep our composure even though we were starstruck. It is so inspiring to us, as girls who have been at this for 5+ years now, to see how successful women have navigated this difficult, complicated world. Blair, if for some crazy reason you are reading this, HI!!


Reb’s Tips: Meeting Creatives When You Travel

photos by Allie, Pret-a-Provost

For as comfortable as I have always been in front of the camera, and on stage, and just as a lover of attention – I am sometimes awkward when it comes to in person interactions. The majority of the time, my travel photos are taken by John (or Catherine if I’m with her) because it just seems easier, even if they are just on my iPhone or a point-and-shoot! BUT, I have decided that I want to make an effort when I travel to meet and work with local creatives, because it really enhances my travel experience and I realized that working with professional photographers really helps to get my creative juices flowing. My two experiences doing this were AWESOME and I am writing this here, to remind myself (and encourage you) to keep doing so!


Opposites Attract : A Fall Fashion Story with The Crystal Press

Cardigans & Pullover Sweaters, Knee High Boots & Combat Boots.
A Blonde & a Brunette.

Photos by Kenzi Creates

As you guys know, Catherine and I have a tendency to show up “matching” or rather, more accurately, coordinating, whenever we get together to shoot. We certainly each have our own styles but generally agree on our aesthetic { black & white, neutral, with a certain je ne sais quoi flair }.


Reb’s Tips: Why I Buy Designer

OKAY GUYS, LET’S GET RIGHT TO IT. I have been wanting to write this post for a while, especially because I see so many bloggers out there constantly posting about “dupes.”

When I say “Why I buy designer,” I don’t necessarily mean at designer prices.  Lots of my designer pieces are consigned from The Real Real, Tradesy, Poshmark and eBay.  What I should really say is that I like to buy quality over quantity.  I realized a few years ago that the number of pairs of shoes or bags that I bought was absurd in comparison to how long they lasted me. I was spending hundreds of dollars a year on pieces that simply wouldn’t last. I thought I was being savvy by shopping from fast fashion retailers, but in reality I was spending the same amount of money on all of these crappy items as I would on a few quality, designer pieces. So that’s when I bought my first used Louis Vuitton off of Tradesy (pictured above) and asked for Gucci Slides for my birthday. (pictured below)


Spotlight On: Stripes, Again

the crystal press stripes

Before I started writing this post, I searched “stripes” on our blog to see just how many times we have written about stripes over the years. Turns out its A LOT. (Rainbow Stripes, Twinning In Stripes, Stripe Dresses etc). However, it has been over a year since they got their own dedicated post, so it’s about time to revisit!

For two girls that tend to stick to neutral palette { except for our brief moment with previously mentioned rainbow stripes last fall } stripes are a perfect way to make our looks interesting. We are fans of everything from bold striped pants that make a serious statement, to simple striped sweaters for everyday wear during the fall and winter months. Right now I’ve got my eye on this Monki set.


Spotlight on: Chunky Knits

It looks like we have finally put summer in our rear view mirror.

Ok, don’t get us wrong. Summer is probably our favorite season. However, Once October hits, we are ready freddy for fall temps. It has been a dreary day here in RVA and with a chill in the air, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t perfectly content. And while we aren’t ready for snow days per se, we are happy to get into all things fall (read: basic). Catherine discovered a Pumpkin Spice Latte version of one of our favorite cold brews and I am ready for my husband to call up our “wood guy” to prepare for fireplace season. Ya hear that, Johnny?


Cozy Fall Favorites from Free People

We definitely go through phases when it comes to our favorite retailers, but one that has been tried and true over the years is Free People. We did one of our first events as fashion bloggers at our local Free People, so for me, the brand has a special place in my heart.

Freeps is our go-to particularly for oversized, comfy pieces. Comfy, slouchy t-shirts in the summer and cozier pieces in the cooler months. I gotta admit when I ordered this sweatshirt dress, I thought it was just the sweatshirt but was pleasantly surprised that the “skirt” it was styled with online was actually a part of the piece! It is unfortunately sold out now online because I snagged it on sale, but fear not there are plenty of options if you’re looking to add to your comfy collection.

Cath has been rocking this perfectly oversized sweater since she got it and I gotta admit, I’ve got my eye on it as well. It comes in 12 colors, and you are guaranteed to get some MAJOR wear out of it this fall and winter. We all prefer to dress comfortably right? Why not invest in some quality pieces that will last through the season?


Spotlight on: Headbands

Let’s talk about hair accessories, y’all. Trends come and go in this fast fashion world that we live in, and we will hop on board with some of them. Some we will ditch as our styles continue to evolve, but some we will hang onto even after the mass craze is over! Headbands fall into the latter category. If you’re like me and tend to be lazy when it comes to doing your hair, a headband or headscarf can do wonders for adding a little something extra to your look!

We also love how playful & youthful a good headband can look. We might be into our thirties, but we love hanging onto our youthful spirits and this is one way to do that! Whether you like a simple handband, like Catherine is rocking, or you want something with a fun print, we have rounded up a few options to add a girly vibe to your look.


Our Favorite Things on Sale from Anthropologie for Labor Day

Labor Day the crystal press

Any holiday sales can be overwhelming and Labor Day sales are no exception. We rummaged through all of the deals online and decided to pin point it down to our favorite sale going on. After a long and heart felt search (he he ) we decided that Anthropologie has some great deals going on right now! From home and decor to EXTRA discounts off sale clothing, we have rounded up our favorite pieces on sale from Anthro for your last minute Labor Day sale needs.

Labor Day fashion sale

Shop our favorite fashion finds and home decor pieces from Anthropologie here:

Happy Labor Day and of course, happy shopping!

XO, Reb + Cath

Matching Set: Cow Print

Does this outfit make me look like a Chik Fil A Commercial?

As we were walking through Scott’s Addition, a local favorite spot to take photos, Catherine & Kenzi told me that I “should wear that to get free Chik Fil A.”  I started cracking up, because the thought hadn’t crossed my mind, even when realizing I was wearing a cow print set.  There’s nothing quite like great friends to tell you the truth! (more…)

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xx, Reb + Cath